In the modern digital sphere, customer experience has become key for organizations and their brands to fuel and propel brand-customer interaction. Since its inception, Adobe Experience Manager has empowered organizations to innovate, optimize, and deliver content across all digital channels in a smarter and faster way. The latest Adobe Experience Manager 6.5, which was unveiled from the grand stage of the Adobe Summit 2019, has now been made available (April 2019) for the upgrade. There is a lot of buzz about the aem 6.5 new features and the stronger infrastructure included in the latest AEM to deliver the top-notch customer experiences.
Let’s have a look at some latest innovations, features, and enhancements included in it to help brands lead in Customer Experience Management.
- Magento & Experience Cloud integration:
- New Single Page Application (SPA) Capabilities:
AEM 6.5 addresses some of the challenges that come with the implementation of the single page application to deliver dynamic web experiences by including Single-Page Application (SPA) Editor. Also, the new SPA capabilities include the server-side rendering of client-side frameworks for enhanced page load and SEO purposes, along with integration with Adobe Target for personalization and Adobe Analytics for data and insights. Earlier, another biggest challenge for a SPA in a CMS was to allow marketers to author SPA content so that they continue to have a high content velocity. Adobe has addressed this issue in AEM 6.5 by introducing a JavaScript SDK that automatically recognizes SPA content and allows authors to edit the content as they would do with any traditional content. The new AEM 6.5 SPA Archetype automatically configures that SPA JavaScript SDK so that this doesn’t have to be done by the developer, which speeds up the implementation time. - Advanced Fluid Experiences:
- Advanced Integration of The Adobe Sensei To Experience Manager 6.5:
- Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud:
- Staying in Sync With Connected Assets:
- Advanced Security Along with Cloud Scale:
- Parallel Handling of Marketing, Creative, And IT Operations:
- Personalized Experience for The Customers:
- Seamless Upgrade To AEM 6.5:
Above we have discussed some of the important AEM 6.5 features, but the list doesn’t end here. To know more about AEM new 6.5 features or the ways in which it can transform your digital experience for your business, contact us today at +1-847-592-2926 or email at btallungan@nextrow.com. To know more about NextRow Digital and our services, visit us
NextRow Digital is a new age digital agency, and an Adobe Gold Partner, specializing in marketing cloud and technology implementations. With our extensive experience combined with a flexible, collaborative approach, we have helped clients meet their business needs successfully to overcome the challenges of the digital transformation and creating an omnichannel customer and e-commerce experiences.