Upgrade Overview:
The Upgrade process associated with AEM is a multi-step that often takes a few months to complete. The image below provides an overview of the different processes associated with an upgrade project.
Planning For Upgrade | Author Training Plan | Develop A Test Plan | Identification Of Architectural Changes Required | Use pattern Detector To Estimate LEO | Prepare A Runbook | Build A Test Plan |
Development & QA Requirements | Prepare A Dedicated Code Branch | Assess Usage Of Resource Resolver | Prepare A List Of Queries And Indexes | Enlist Customizations Needed For Update | Overlays Should Be Updated | |
Maintenance Required For Pre-Upgrade | Make Sure To Have Efficient Resources | Take Backup Of Earlier Resources | Automated Analyzation Of Pre-Upgrade Maintenance | Disable Custom Login | Rotate Logs | |
Procedure For Upgrade | Cease Authoring | Author Tier Should Be Updated | Segregate A Publish Instance | Upgrade Both Major & Additional Instances | Finalize The Upgrade | |
Post Upgrade Inspection | Log Files Should Be Examined | Bundles Needs To Be Checked | Reinstall Backup Configuration | Determine Maintenance Tasks | Trouble-shooting Of Issues |
Upgrade Scope and Requirements:
Before initiation of the upgrade, it is important to ensure that you are running a supported operating system, Java runtime, httpd and Dispatcher version. Also, upgrading components need to be accounted for in the project plan before upgrading AEM. The table below describes a list of areas that are impacted in a typical AEM Upgrade project.
Areas Impacted During AEM Upgrade: | |
Area Impacted | Description |
JAVA Version | Every AEM version supports a specific range of JRE versions. If clients JRE version is lower than what is expected by new AEM version, then it needs to be updated. |
Hardware | Running Pre-upgrade maintenance tasks and regular Maintenace tasks (post upgrade) requires a certain amount of heap memory and disk space. If current hardware doesn’t meet these requirements, then it needs to be updated. |
Content Repository Migration | If AEM is being upgraded from version < 6.x, then content repository migration is a must. Earlier versions (< 6.x) of AEM used to run on CRX2 repository. AEM 6.1 onwards, content repository has been changed to Oak. |
Repository Restructuring | Repository structure started changing from AEM 6.4 and is being continued in AEM 6.5 as well. It affects custom content. Though these restructuring duplicates content from their old location in repository to new location, but it needs a serious attention and any custom code referring to old location, needs to be updated, to fetch the content from new location. |
Maven (POM) Updates | POM files need to be updated as well. POM files must reflect UBER jar version matching with upgraded AEM version and other dependencies versions. |
Custom Application Code | Custom application code needs to be updated so that it refers to latest AEM Core APIs. Any deprecated AEM APIs need to be replaced with their alternate suggestive APIs. |
Customizations of OOTB features | If any OOTB feature has been customized by client in previous AEM version, it may not work completely with upgraded AEM version. |
Plan For Author Training:
There are many potential changes required to be introduced to the UI and user workflows during the AEM upgrade. It’s highly recommended to review the functional changes that have been introduced and create a plan to train your author teams to leverage them effectively. Make sure to note any changes to UIs or product features that are commonly used in your organization and after looking through what has changed in upgraded AEM, develop a training plan for your authors.
Create A Test Plan:

Determine Changes Required For Architecture And Infrastructure:
While upgrading, you may need to upgrade other components in your technical stack such as the operating system or JVM. Also, it’s possible that due to changes in the repository, additional hardware may be required (this is for migrating from pre 6.x instances). Further, changes may be required for operational practices including monitoring, maintenance, and backup and disaster recovery processes.
Assessing Complexity Associated With The Upgrade:
There are two steps involved to assess the complexity of the AEM upgrade. The first is the newly introduced Pattern Detector which is available to be run on AEM 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 instances. It is the easiest way to assess the overall complexity of an upgrade in the form of reported patterns. The pattern detector report includes patterns for identifying unavailable APIs that are in use by the custom codebase. This test gives a fairly accurate estimate of what to expect during an upgrade for most cases.
The second and more comprehensive step is to perform an upgrade on a test instance that also includes some basic smoke testing. Also, the list of Deprecated and Removed Features should not only be reviewed for the version that you are upgrading to, but also for any versions between the source and target versions.
Prepare An Upgrade and Rollback Runbook:
Though, Adobe has documented the basic process associated with upgrading an AEM instance, but, each organization’s network layout, deployment architecture, and customizations require tailored and fine-tuned procedure. Hence, it’s highly recommended to view all the documentation to construct a project-specific runbook that outlines the specific upgrade and rollback procedures. All instructions should be reviewed and taken into consideration with your system architecture, customizations, and downtime tolerance to determine the appropriate switch-over and rollback procedures that will be executed during the upgrade.
Develop A Project Plan:
Based on the steps described above, a project plan covering the expected timelines for test, development efforts, training, and actual upgrade execution can be built.
A comprehensive project plan includes:
- Finalization of development and test plans
- Upgrading development and QA environments
- Updating the custom code base for AEM 6.5
- A QA test and fix cycle
- Upgrading the staging environment
- Integration, performance, and load testing
- Environment certification
- Go live
Perform Development And QA:
We all know that the development and the testing process go hand in hand. During the customizations, the changes made while upgrade can make an entire section of the product unusable. There is the potential of discovering some new problems even after the redressal of the root issues by developers and testing teams. So, it’s better to keep track of these newly discovered issues in the upgrade runbook to make adjustments to the upgrade process. After testing and fixing, the code base should be fully validated and ready for deployment to the stage environment.
Final Testing:
A final round of testing is highly recommended after the codebase has been certified by the QA team. Also, validation of the runbook on the stage environment must be followed by user acceptance, performance, and security testing. Finding and correcting issues before going live can help to prevent costly production outages. Apart from these, it is also important to perform performance, load and security tests on the system to understand significant changes to the underlying platforms on the new version of AEM.
Performing the Upgrade:
Once the green signal has been received from all the stakeholders, the execution of runbook procedures should begin. The below image depicts the various steps to be taken into consideration while performing the final upgrade.
Post Upgrade Support:
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