Latest Features of AEM 6.5 Released in April 2019
From the grand stage of the Adobe Summit 2018, held from 25th – 29th March at Las Vegas, the curtain from the latest Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 version was unfolded. The latest Adobe CMS has been launched with many amazing features and here we are going to look at some major highlights of AEM 6.4.
Some salient features of AEM 6.4 are :
Advanced Fluid Experience Integration
Advanced Fluid Experience integration ensures the fast flowing of content across owned, earned and paid media channels. The unique combination of data and content in Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 helps brands to take customers on a variety of personalized journeys.
Integration Of The Adobe Sensei To Experience Manager 6.4
Advanced Security Along With Cloud Scale
Parallel Handling Of Marketing, Creative, And IT Operations
The integration of the new user interface has made it possible to work freely at marketing, creative, and IT operational level without causing hindrance to any other segment. Also, the Single-Page App (SPA) Editor helps you to use and collaborate with the latest front-end developer technologies and business associates for content.
Personalized Experience For The Customers
The Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 comes with the Smart Layouts that has been powered By AI to give personalized brand experience to the customers. Based on the previous buying trends of the customer, the page automatically modifies the suggestions to suit them the best. Further, the use of Adobe Target helps you to take personalization for the specific customer to the next level.
All in all, it can be said that Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 has been combined with the various digital marketing features based on the cloud and machine learning to provide the best-personalized customer experiences.
This is just a glimpse of the upcoming AEM 6.4, and in the subsequent articles, we will discuss each feature in detail to understand it more profoundly.
If you want to know more about Adobe Experience Manager 6.4, or need any assistance with your current or next Adobe project click here or call us at +1-847-592-2920.