August 12, 2020Adobe Experience Manager
Creating AEM Delta Content Packages Using Groovy Script
In today’s world, most of the developers try to find the delta content manually in AEM by checking the timestamp of pages...
August 12, 2020Adobe Experience Manager
How to Restore AEM Instances using Journal Log in Adobe Experience Manager?
As an AEM developer, we try multiple things in our local instance and there is a high chance of instances getting...
August 4, 2020Adobe Campaign Marketing Automation
Take Your Email Marketing to Next Level With the Adobe Campaign
Emails are as important as ever – may be even more. However, to succeed in today’s experience-driven world, you just can’t...
August 4, 2020Adobe Experience Manager
Getting Started with Apache Sling Repo Init
At times, setting up the initial state of AEM repository may appear cumbersome, especially when we have to setup multiple...
June 8, 2020eCommerce Magento Marketing Automation
The Role of eCommerce During COVID-19 and Beyond
Recessions come and go. Depressions come and go. So do pandemics. Nothing is permanent on this planet earth. Most of us...
May 29, 2020Marketing Automation
Why Digital Marketing Is More Important in the COVID-19 Era?
When web 1.0 evolved in the 1990s, digital marketing also started in its infancy stages. As the web evolved, so did...
May 19, 2020Adobe Experience Manager Adobe Launch
5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your AEM Managed Services
You made the right choice by choosing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as your Web Content Management System. As a true...
April 13, 2020Adobe Analytics Adobe Launch
DTM to Adobe Launch Migration
Adobe announced that DTM is being sunset (effective from January 2021) to pave their way for the next-gen tag management...
March 11, 2020Marketing Automation Partners
NextRow Digital Awarded ‘Gold Partner’ Status by Magnolia
Chicago, United States, 11 Mar 2020 – NextRow Digital, the leading provider of digital marketing solutions, is pleased to...
January 30, 2020Adobe Summit
Why Do You Need to Attend Adobe Summit 2020?
Adobe Summit 2020 is just a few weeks away
July 3, 2019Adobe Experience Manager
AEM Upgrade: A Complete Playbook For Flawless Upgrade
In this digital age, organizations of all shapes and sizes are investing a lot on improving their overall customer...
July 1, 2019Adobe Experience Cloud Marketo
How Marketo Fits Into the Adobe Experience Cloud?
The acquisition of Marketo by Adobe in September 2018 made huge news across the marketing technology world. The whopping...